Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Man Miraculously Healed
The man is miraculously healed. I got time to talk with Paul he said "God healed the man not me.
i have to go bye

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Back again

last I wrote
for my weapons I had a sling shot and a water pistol.
I was fourteen then but now I'm sixteen now.
I'm a girl!!!
Oh my goodness I see yachts.
Some people are half off the boats.
I yell to ergen "come on get your guns ready"
I had some rocks ready for my sling shot.
I started firing. I shot nineteen people they threw bombs at me and it
blew my cover soI ran to Ergen but he got shot and he fell back but I caughthim with him
a piece of rope. It wasn't ........

to be contiued

I have to go now

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hi again back to the story

We had all the time in the world I said "It will probably be dawn when they get here." For my weapons I......

to be continued

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hi I'm a Turk and I'm in mysleeping bag. MY Mummy tucked me in. I forgot to tell you, I;m in Gallipoli, World War one. My name is Zehra. I was kind of in the sand and then...
I saw a ship.I told my best friend Ergen that there are so many yachts!.

That's all for now I'll get back to you soon.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

On wednesday
the Peace Tree Walkers came to our school.
They sang us songs and we sang them songs.
Then they gave us eight trees.
They gave us piece of ribbin to tie on a tree
i have to go and have lunch now bye

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

did you have a good holidays?
I did. on sunday dad and I went to the
playground but when I was playing tag I bumped
my head I had to go home to get a ice pack.
mum and laura went to the movies
to see rataouille.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

hi my cows
have you been munching on some grass?
i have a mum and dad a sister and me.
i have to go to milking
see ya

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hello, my fellow cows, my friends are Rebekah, Kate, Lauren, Elizabeth, Tessa, Brittany, Danielle, Paige and Laura my sister. My favourite animal is a COW!!! My favourite colours are lime green and bright blue.I'll see you later keep munching grass!! Bye

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hello my friendly cows.